Monday, March 14, 2011

Professor Tom Regan ARZone Interview

Fighting for animal liberation and an end to speciesism

A message to all members of Animal Rights Zone

ARZone is proud to announce that Professor Tom Regan has agreed to answer questions submitted by ARZone members.

This event is not an ARZone Live Guest Chat, this is an interview which will be posted in ARZone in due course.

Professor Tom Regan is an American Philosopher who specialises in animal rights theory. He is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA. He received his M.A. in 1962 and his Ph.D. in 1966. He taught philosophy at NC State University from 1967 until 2001. During his more than thirty years on the faculty, he received numerous awards for excellence in teaching, was named University Alumni Distinguished Professor, published hundreds of professional papers and more than twenty books, won major international awards for film writing and direction, and has presented hundreds of lectures throughout the world. In 2000, he received the William Quarles Holliday Medal, the highest honor NC State University can bestow.

Friday, March 11, 2011


If all that was needed to convince people to stop eating animals was to expose them to the horrors of factory farms and slaughterhouses, every person who has ever seen a video on the meat industry would be a vegan. The dominant view of our culture is that humans are entitled to use nonhuman animals in service to our needs. The growing popularity of “humane meat” speaks to our movement’s success in exposing the horrors of the factory farm – and our utter failure to challenge the underlying idea that animals are ours to use for food. If we want to truly abolish the meat industry rather than simply generating business for “happy meat” mongers, we need to attack animal oppression at its foundation by challenging the premise that human interests take precedence over those of nonhuman animals and that animals exist for our use.

We need to challenge speciesism.

Interview with Gary Steiner Part 3 and Notes Notes on Heterophenomenology